Spotlight Starter

Ideal for recent graduates or entry-level professionals seeking a purpose-driven start or those poised for a career shift.

Kickstart your career with purpose and passion!

The Spotlight Starter package provides essential tools and guidance to help you confidently navigate the initial phase of your professional journey. Through personalized coaching on resume enhancement and LinkedIn profiling, coupled with interview preparation, this package aims to align your skills and passions with the right opportunities.

What's Included

  • 4 x 30-minute coaching sessions 
  • Personalized resume and LinkedIn profile enhancement
  • Interview preparation focusing on expressing your passion and purpose
  • Access to introductory webinars on personal branding and strategic networking

Prefer an 8-session package instead? Click here.

What Happens Next?

We're delighted to offer your first coaching session on us! During this session, you’ll have the opportunity to "audition" to ensure we perfectly match you with a GuildMaster who best aligns with your personal and professional goals. Upon payment, you'll be taken to a page to book this free session.

Payment Details

  • Payments accepted are all major credit cards, PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, or After Pay
  • Email receipt will arrive from Kajabi or PayPal

$320.00 USD